One of our favorite things to do in the evenings is jump on the trampoline and then all snuggle together on the trampoline while Daddy reads the girls Bible stories. We found a beautifully illustrated children's Bible that delivers God's message in just the right bite-sized way for our girls to grasp the importance of each story. This is one of the most beautifully illustrated books I've seen which really helps the girls imagine what is going on.
The Story for Children: A Storybook Bible by Max Lucado, Randy Frazee, and Karen Davis Hill. Illustrated by Fausto Bianchi. Amazon - The Story for Children
We were blessed with a couple of weeks of rainy weather that helped to cool us down from the heat wave. The girls took full advantage of our lack of landscaping (=no grass) that, when mixed with water, creates a fun adventure.....MUD!!
Gracie turned 6 on June 28th! I can still remember that morning 6 years ago waking up to contractions that came a weeks late and spending the next 16 hours in labor. She was my first baby and she has been a wonderful daughter! She is already about to enter 1st grade and she loves life! My wish for her is to remember that mistakes in life are ok and they can be used as learning tools. Also, she was chosen to be the big big sister because God has a special plan for her in helping out her little sister and her baby sister. Her eyes light up when she smiles and though she may be timid at times she has empathy for others that will help her to love everyone she comes in contact with.