We finally had our first ultrasound last week! We had a few questions about little baby B that were soon answered.
Having felt just plum awful for the last couple of months, I was convinced I was having twins or was much further along, both because I was so miserable, plus my belly is growing at a phenomenal rate.
We took the girls with us so they could be able to share this event with us and see their new baby brother or sister for the first time. Once we got settled down for the ultrasound we got to see little baby B for the first time! We got some great pictures (which I'll post soon) and got to see him/her moving around. All of our questions got answered: I was 12 weeks 3 days (now 13 weeks), there was only one baby in there, and it was too early to find out the baby's sex. Oh! and little baby B looked just fine and healthy!
So, our official due date is August 26th which means working next year is going to be put off for a year while I stay home with the little muffin and get started on my Master's degree.
We will be going back for our next ultrasound April 11th to find out if we are having a boy or girl. Can't wait!
*yay!* Happy for you, gorgeous girl!