Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

 Growing up, I always felt as though I had been cheated out of something so special, having a mom.  My mother died from cancer when I was almost 7 (Gracie's age). Through the years, I couldn't help but feel sorry for myself and I hopelessly tried to create a barrier to my emotions so that I could not feel the sadness swelling up inside. I couldn't help to feel that God owed me something for taking my mother away.

My immature mind could not understand that through my loss, God had provided, abundantly!

It has taken me these 33 years to realize that He gave me a host of mothers to look up to. Women who have cared for me and taught me so much about unconditional love, patience, forgiveness, raising children, and above all, love. These women are strong, devoted, and amazing and this Mother's Day I just want to say, "Thank you!". Even though my own mother was not here, you all gave me hope and have taught me so much, whether you know it or not.

 My Grandmother 
She is my rock! She is more than a grandmother to me and I am constantly amazed by the depth of her endless love and devotion to her family. She has always been there in my life and is the greatest blessing. I don't know what I would have done without her throughout my life and I only hope to become a part of the mother, wife, grandmother, and great-grandmother that she is.  

My Aunt Barbara
She is always so joyous and interested in what is going on in my life despite the miles between us. She has raised 3 beautiful daughters of her own and has always been supportive and loving. She never fails to be a blessing to all who know her and especially to our family. 

Mom (Nana)
When I married my husband, I received so much more than a wonderful husband, I also received his amazing family which includes his mother, grandmother, and two sisters. From day 1, I have always been included into the family and have been adopted fully into their family. Mom is devoted to her family and is a special part of all her grandchildren's lives. She is constantly giving of her time and love and never asks anything of herself. 

My father was able to find love again! I only wish they could have found each other sooner because she has brought so much joy into his life along with 4 amazing step-daughters. She has brought light into a dark place in our family's life. She brings magic to our lives!

Aunt Maria
She is so kind and loving and is ready to help her family in any way she can. She has always taken an interest in us and never forgets to inspire us with her love.

Thank you to all the women I know who are mother's who have shown me so much. This Mother's Day is for you! A day to remember that you are an influence in this world and that you are truly loved!

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